Oswego County Workforce New York is a valuable resource to assist businesses to recruit, hire, train or upskill their workforce.
Contact our business services representative for more information about any of the services listed below.
Services For Businesses
Job Bank
Computerized labor exchange network designed to match employers with job seekers. Employers can post job openings and search candidates by skill-set or job title.
Recruitment Assistance
Receive assistance recruiting qualified workers; everything from customizing a recruitment, to identifying workers who meet your hiring needs, to matching candidates with the skills, qualifications and experience against your current openings.
Applicant Screening
Save time and money by having Career Center staff screen applicants based on the qualifications you desire.
Job Matching
Candidates can be matched against your job openings; only those candidates with the required skills, education and experience are referred.
Labor Market Information
Our staff can connect you with current Labor Market Information such as data on prevailing industry wages, employment data by sector and other trends in the local and regional labor market.
Tax Credits and Employer Incentives
Our staff can connect you with tax credits and incentives (i.e. training programs, grants) to help reduce your costs.
Assessment of Skill Sets
Our staff can customize an employment assessment using the IBM Kenexa Prove It! System to evaluate the skill sets of job candidates.
Customized Training
Access training dollars to help companies remain competitive by updating or enhancing the skills of their current workforce.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) established federal grant funds to pay for certain employment and training activities in New York State.
Customized Training may be designed by an employer or group of employers to meet specialized training needs. Workforce Investment funding may provide up to a maximum of $3,000 and the employer must pay for not less than 50%. To qualify, trainees must earn less than $25.00 per hour. The employer must identify the need for training, the training to be provided, include a detailed line-item budget that identifies the cost of training and addresses how the minimum 50% match by the participating employer(s) will be met, and be approved by the Director of Employment and Training. The employer must also document a commitment by the participating employer(s) to continue to employ incumbent employees or to hire a minimum of 80% of those participants that successfully complete the training.
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Lower training costs – OJT can reimburse you up to 50% of the wages paid to a new hire for the extraordinary cost of training while providing support to the worker and supervisor throughout the training period.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) established federal grant funds to pay for certain employment and training activities in New York State.
On-the-Job Training is on-site training provided by an employer to a new employee as a method of developing the skills necessary for the new employee to be successful in their job. It could also be the training provided to a current employee as a means to upgrade their skills in a new position with the company. Funding may be available to provide up to 50% of the cost of the OJT trainee’s wages, to a maximum of $12.50 per hour (for a position up to $25 per hour) while the individual is in training. The Oswego County WDB generally limits OJT to a maximum of 13 weeks. However, exceptions can be made, to a maximum of 26 weeks, with the approval of the Workforce Development Board Director. The employer must provide a training outline for each trainee.
Employer Outreach Services
Meet with a representative of the Career Center to learn about the programs and services to help your business find qualified workers or upgrade the skills of existing workers.
Career Center Space
Use of space at the Career Center to recruit and/or conduct interviews.
Rapid Response Services
Information on programs and services to help businesses avert a lay-off or respond to an announcement of a lay-off/closing; services to help affected workers prepare for and find new jobs
Specialized Services
Coordination of services and referral to other agencies to meet targeted employer needs; Assistance with HR procedures.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Benefits and support to workers who become unemployed or are threatened with job loss due to the impact of international trade.
Registered Apprenticeship Opportunities
Connect employers with a training strategy to develop and certify workers in the skills employers need to grow and thrive in a competitive global environment.
Work-Based Training
Collaborate with the Career Center and education and training providers to develop integrated education and training programs at the workplace to help employees gain basic and technical skills and advance to the next level of work.
Skill upgrading opportunities to obtain occupational skill certificates, upgrade basic (math/reading) skills, or prepare for licensing exams through the Metrix Online Learning System.
Accredited Testing Site
Testing site for the following certifications: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS); Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3); Adobe Certified Associate (ACA); Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA); CompTIA Strata; QuickBooks Certified User; Autodesks.